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Golf: How To Improve Your Short Game in 2020

Golf Short Game

how-to-improve-your-short-gameIf you want to improve your short game in golf and shave strokes off your score, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve got the best golf short game videos that it will have you getting the ball up and down from places you never thought possible.

You ever notice why some “old guys” score so well even though they do not hit the golf bar far? It is because they chip the golf ball so well — they get the ball up and down with a much greater frequency than you.

Well, that’s all about to change.

Watch these how to videos to improve your short game and get the ball up and down more often for great golf scores.

Golf: How To Improve Your Short Game Videos

Below, you will find all of the best Internet videos on How To Improve Your Golf Short Game. These videos are hand-picked by yours truly as the most effective videos to help you around the greens. I’ve provided a brief commentary below each video to guide your viewing.

Simply click play link to launch the videos. Enjoy the show!

Video: How to Master the Short Game in Golf for Beginners

This 15 minute video is a great place to start. It walks you through the basics of chipping, pitching, bunker play, and more. This video is brought to you by PGA teaching professionals Andy proudman and Pierce Ward.

Video: The 3 Short Game Shots You Need To Master

In your golf short game, you need to be able to hit the low, mid and high flighted shot. Chris Ryan expertly guides you through all 3 in this 12-minute video.

Golf Short Game: Chipping Vs. Pitching

You may often here people ask: You gonna chip it or pitch it? And you’re like, huh? This video walks you through both chipping and pitching the golf ball and which you should choose depending on the occasion.

3 Easy Golf Lessons To Improve Your Short Game

Golf instructor Danny Maude is one of the best in the game. In this video, he teaches you how to chip the golf ball without making the mistakes of chunking it and thinning that you may be accustomed to.

How To Hit Amazing, Consistent Chip Shots Around The Green

This is another great short game video from instructor Danny Maude. In this how to video, we learn how to stop chunking our chip shots around the green and be much more consistent.

1 Chipping Tip That Will Change Your Golf Game Forever

Can one short game golf tip improve your scores forever? In this video from professional Matt Fisher, he shares the one tip that improved his golf short game immeasurably.

Short Game How-to Video from Jon Rahm

This video is truly a master class as Jon Rahm walks us through the elements of his short game. And wow, is he amazing? Watch as he displays a short game prowess that we can only hope to emulate. Be sure to see the downhill lie chip shot — what touch!

How To Improve Your Golf Short Game: Conclusion

We hope that you have enjoyed these videos on How To Improve Your Golf Short Game.

If you can get the ball near the green in two shots on a par 4, then your ability to get the ball up and down with consistency can literally turn you into the golfer that you have always wanted to be.

Like I said above, it’s often why the old guys are winning the money — outstanding short games!

Hopefully, with the viewing of the videos above and a good amount of practice of these techniques, you’ll be able to drastically lower your scores in your golf game through outstanding around the green play.

If you know of any other great videos about how to improve your short game in golf, simply place them in the comments below and I’ll get them added to the page.

All the best! ~Richard