Make Your Own Cartoon Character
Have you ever wanted to create your own cartoon character? Well, with the help of today’s technology, you can make your own cartoon character very easily and we are going to take you through the process right now.
In fact, this can be accomplished in a matter of moments. We will present many different websites that allow you to create a cartoon character but let’s get started with this one right now.
For those in a hurry, here’s how to create a cartoon of yourself in three easy steps:
- Visit https://cartoon.pho.to/
- Click “From Disk” to Upload a Photo from your computer to the site.
- View the cartoonized result and click “Save and Share” at the bottom to save the cartoon of yourself to your computer.
And Voila! You now have a cartoon of yourself.
Let’s take a look at each step in more detail:
Creating a Cartoon Character of Yourself Based On a Photo
While there are many websites that will create a personal avatar for you, many of these sites don’t allow you to base that avatar on your personal photo.
The objective of this post is to very easily and quickly create a cartoon of yourself based on a photo. There are elaborate sites with many special effects that I list below but they don’t meet the requirement of quick and easy and FREE. Yes, the premise here is also that we create a cartoon of ourselves free of charge.
There are currently three sites that meet that requirement and they all essentially work the same: upload photo and a cartoon is automatically created. [When you want to customize your cartoon, that’s when these sites start to charge a fee.]
So let’s get started with step 1.
Upload Your Photo to the Make a Cartoon Website
You will want to find a photo of yourself (I think headshots work best) that you would like to cartoonize.
Here is the photo that I will use.
Now, we want to visit this website to create our cartoon photo.
Once there, we click the “From Disk” link on the website as you see below:
As you can see, there is also the choice to “Enter URL” or upload a photo “From Facebook”. And be careful not to click all these other “legit looking” links — they’re all ads!
You will now see that your cartoon photo was automatically created. To save it, click the “Save and share” button at the bottom of the page.
Here is the result of my cartoon photo:
Not bad, huh? You get a cartoon of yourself in under 5 minutes from this site.
I found two other “Create Your Own Cartoon Character” websites that are just about as quick but I preferred the ease and results of the site above. The other two sites are here and here, with the photo results from each posted below:
The second site does allow for some customization of your cartoon photo but I was not wild about the results.
Using BeFunky to Create Your Own Cartoon Character
When I originally created this post, I recommended everyone use BeFunky. It was an awesome, professionally done site that allowed people to create really cool cartoon characters for free. However, they now charge for saving our cartoon character so I can only recommend them if you’re willing to pay.
Step 1: Visit BeFunky.com and “Try it Now!”
Step 2: Click Open | Computer to upload your photo.
Step 3: On the left side of the screen, choose one of the cartoon characters you would like. After this choice, your photo is now cartoonized and you can see on the right that you have made your own cartoon character.
Step 4: Unfortunately, to save your photo, you need to pay by hitting the “Upgrade” button in the top right. This is truyly ashame because the site creates some great cartoon characters of yourself.
Here is sampling of the cartoon photos of me from BeFunky.com (these are screenshots not downloads from the site).
You may not want to leave this site just yet. BeFunky.com has many more options than the Cartoonizer that are pretty cool and all you need to do is click the category to change the picture.
I like the category called Old Photo to create pictures with a classic look but there are several options available. I think many of these make a great option for a cool Facebook photo (in fact, I am writing this because I saw someone’s cartoon photo on Facebook and loved it.)
So, make sure that you try out all of these different options. As you can see, it is easy to create your own cartoon character at this website.
Now, let’s have a look at some others.
Other Websites To Create Your Own Cartoon Character
BeFunky.com is not the only paid website on which you can make your own cartoon character, but it is the best according to my analysis.
There is a website called Pick a Face which does a similar thing but it is focused more on creating customized avatars. And here is a list of 15 other sites that let you create cartoons and avatars from your photos.
You will also find many sites on which you can create an avatar cartoon character but on these you are not using your own pictures. You are putting in statistics about a person–hair color, height, weight, etc–and then an Avatar figure is created but it does not look like you.
Videos On How To Make Your Own Cartoon Character with PicsArt
As always, we like to find great how to videos to compliment the topic at hand. If you know how to draw using tools such as Photoshop or PicsArt, these videos may be just what you are looking for:
Video Tutorial: Cartoonify Yourself
Learn how to do a cartoon of yourself with “The Amateur Guru”. She does an awesome job in this 11 minute video and, if you follow her instructions, you’ll get amazing reults.
How to Create the Cartoon Effect in PicsArt
PicsArt has become a go-to tool for creating dynamic photo effects. In this 11 minute video, you’ll see some of the exact steps to create a cartoon of yourself using PicsArt.
Videos On How To Make Your Own Cartoon Character with Adobe Photoshop
The 2 videos below focus on creating cartoon characters using Photoshop.
How to Turn Photos into Cartoon Effect – Photoshop Tutorial
This 8-minute video will show you how to use Photoshop to turn your photo into a great cartoon image that you’ll want share with friends and on social media.
How to Cartoon Yourself (A Step-by-Step PHOTOSHOP Tutorial)
You’ll learn a lot from this 20 minute photoshop tutorial in which the English narrator transforms “The Rock”into a cartoon.
Create Your Own Cartoon Character: Summary
There are many websites that make a claim to allow you to make your own cartoon character for free.
As we saw in the beginning of this article, there are 3 reasonably good, quick free choices that produce quality results but without a lot of customization. On the paid side, there is one really good one: BeFunky.com. It is a great site which really does allow you to get funky while creating cartoon images of yourself.
People want to create cartoon images of themselves for many reasons. For me, the first reason is fun. When things are fun, they need no other justification. It is why the article put your face on a dancing body is so popular. Simply put, it’s fun and cool.
Others also do not want their real picture floating about the Internet. Thus, a cartoon picture or an avatar picture is a great way to modify and masquerade your appearance somewhat.
Whatever your reasons for making a cartoon character of yourself are, I am sure they are good ones.
So, in the end, whether you are creating an avatar of yourself, or you want to create your own cartoon character, just visit one of the sites above and you’ll be creating a cartoon character of yourself very quickly!
Richard Cummings
Get your copy of his latest book entitled Obvious Conclusions, stories of a Midwestern emigrant influenced and corrupted by many years living in San Francisco and abroad. It just received its first outstanding review "...reminiscent of David Sedaris or Augusten Burroughs" on Amazon UK.
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